Analysis of Change in Initial & Final CSTP Self-Assessments

My professional growth goal this year was based on CSTP 2 - Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Learning. I wanted to practice maximizing student engagement in the classroom, maintaining order of classroom supplies, managing cleanup routines, and minimizing behavioral disruptions through Kagan structures for discussions & student grouping.
I feel that I made some progress on CSTP 2, as the final self-assessment suggests. Evidence for my self-perceived growth is recorded in my ILP 2&3 data analyses; Video recordings of students exhibiting fewer disruptive tendencies during class discussions as well as students' peer-assessments on their own class' clean up jobs corroborate the effectiveness of changes I made to the learning environment of my classes. I will continue to implement the routines I learned this year to maintain the learning environment of the art room.
According to the final self-assessment, my most significant self-perceived growth was on CSTP 5 - Assessing Students for Learning. I think that I focused a lot on gathering data on student learning for my ILPs and I was able to adjust instruction and learning goals based on student assessment accordingly throughout this year. In contrast, my most significant self-perceived "drop" in an area of strength was on CSTP 1 - Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning. I realized through my evaluations with my principal that while I had thought I was incorporating sufficient means of representation, expression, and engagement for a range of students in my classes, I really have more to learn about supporting and challenging diverse learners at all levels of achievement. I think it makes sense to rank this CSTP closer to the bottom of my list of CSTP strengths, right alongside my rank for CSTP 4 - Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students, as they go hand in hand.
As I reflect on my self-assessments, I agree that CSTPs 4 and 5 are great opportunities for me to improve my practice moving forward. I hope to continue experimenting with new instructional strategies and incorporating new levels of challenge within activities for different students to access the curriculum in ways that help them to learn.
Overall, I have changed as an educator this year by becoming more explicit and consistent in communicating my expectations for student behavior and learning. I am most proud of my experimentation with new teaching strategies to guide students to meet these expectations and contribute positively to a productive learning environment in the art room.